Juna Lee
Born in 1986, South Korea
Lives and works in Seoul
Lives and works in Seoul
2018 MFA Fine Arts, School of Visual Arts, New York
2015 MFA Painting, Ewha Womans University, Seoul
2012 BFA Painting, Ewha Womans University, Seoul
2015 MFA Painting, Ewha Womans University, Seoul
2012 BFA Painting, Ewha Womans University, Seoul
Solo Exhibition
2023 I Am Walking In The Dark Woods But The Stars Do Not Shake, d/p, Seoul
2021 W/O, Hakgojae Art Center, Seoul, South Korea
2018 Rubicon, Woosuk Gallery, Seoul National University, Seoul
2021 W/O, Hakgojae Art Center, Seoul, South Korea
2018 Rubicon, Woosuk Gallery, Seoul National University, Seoul
Selected Group Exhibition
2021 Doosan Art Lab, Doosan Gallery, Seoul
2019 AFTERLIFE, Post Territory Ujeongguk, Seoul (Funded by Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture)
2018-19 Letter from the East, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China
2018 Tactics, Works, Terms, Forms, Statements, 371 Broadway, New York
- Perceptual Coding, SVA Chelsea Gallery, New York
- Pop up - On and off the Wall Vol 3, First Street Gallery, New York
2016 NordArt, Kunstwerk Carlshütte, Büdelsdorf, Germany
- Common Violence, Seoul Art and Healing Hub, Seoul
[Feminist Art Collective Sisterhat]
2015 Alohomora, Aparecium! Miari the Texas, The Texas Project, Seoul[Sisterhat]
- Gyeonggi Nomadic Art Festa - Silsin Project Nam.Yang.Gwang.Ha., Gyeonggido, South Korea
- COME UP vol.4, fnart SPACE, Seoul
- Mayfly II, Alternative Space Loop, Seoul
2014 Crossing Borders, Gallery Gong, Seoul (Hosted by Emergent Art Space)
2019 AFTERLIFE, Post Territory Ujeongguk, Seoul (Funded by Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture)
2018-19 Letter from the East, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou, China
2018 Tactics, Works, Terms, Forms, Statements, 371 Broadway, New York
- Perceptual Coding, SVA Chelsea Gallery, New York
- Pop up - On and off the Wall Vol 3, First Street Gallery, New York
2016 NordArt, Kunstwerk Carlshütte, Büdelsdorf, Germany
- Common Violence, Seoul Art and Healing Hub, Seoul
[Feminist Art Collective Sisterhat]
2015 Alohomora, Aparecium! Miari the Texas, The Texas Project, Seoul[Sisterhat]
- Gyeonggi Nomadic Art Festa - Silsin Project Nam.Yang.Gwang.Ha., Gyeonggido, South Korea
- COME UP vol.4, fnart SPACE, Seoul
- Mayfly II, Alternative Space Loop, Seoul
2014 Crossing Borders, Gallery Gong, Seoul (Hosted by Emergent Art Space)