Re-work is the series of paintings in which I painted over a few of my previous works leaving small portions of the original. I had thought those were ‘bad’ or ‘unsuccessful’ pieces, but when I saw them again after 3 years, I realized it might have been just unfinished.

Re-work (various weakness), 2018, acrylic, watercolor, metal paint, inkjet print on canvas, 55 x 55 in. (140 x 140 cm)

Re-work (administrative mood), 2018, spray paint, wood stain, watercolor, pastel, acrylic on canvas, 59 x 59 in. (150 x 150 cm)

Re-work (unable ambition), 2018, wood stain, pastel, watercolor, acrylic on canvas, 59 x 59 in. (150 x 150 cm)

Re-work (typical consequence), 2018, metal paint, oil, inkjet print on canvas, 55 x 55 in. (140 x 140 cm)

Re-work (conscious importance), 2018, metal paint, watercolor, acrylic, metallic accent paint, inkjet print on canvas, 55 x 55 in. (140 x 140 cm)

Re-work (hot movie), 2018, acrylic, watercolor, Dunn Edwards paint, metallic accent paint on canvas, 59 x 59 in. (150 x 150 cm)

Re-work (unhappy quotation), 2018, acrylic, watercolor, Dunn Edwards paint, metallic accent paint on canvas, 59 x 59 in. (150 x 150 cm)

Re-work (helpful truth), 2018, watercolor, oil, acrylic, Dunn Edwards paint on canvas, 59 x 59 in. (150 x 150 cm)

Re-work (itchy criticism), 2018, watercolor, acrylic, metallic paint on canvas 51 x 63 in. (130 x 162 cm)

Re-work (grateful ground), 2018, spray paint, wood stain, watercolor, acrylic on canvas, 63 x 51 in. (162 x 130 cm)